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Automatic Postscript and PDF document preperation using LaTeX and Make

Maintains an up-to-date postscript and pdf version of a latex document which contains figures and plots in the xfig/transfig pslatex format (split postscript and latex).

The split postscript/latex files .pstex and .pstex_t are generated through the program fig2dev for figures (.fig) and gpt2dev (a front-end to gnuplot) for gnuplot files (.gpt)

Included postscript files are converted to pdf format with ps2pdf.

Pictures in gif, jpeg, png and pgm format are converted to eps and pdf files for inclusion using convert and epstopdf.

The pdf version of the document is created from the original LaTeX source using pdfLaTeX.


This software and ancillary information (herein called SOFTWARE) called LaTexMake is made available under the terms described here. It has been approved for public release under the approval number LA-CC-01-60, and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (see the file "GPL" included in this distribution).

Unless otherwise indicated, this SOFTWARE has been authored by an employee or employees of the University of California, operator of the Los Alamos National Laboratory under contract W-7405-ENG-36 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights to use, reproduce, and distribute this SOFTWARE. The public may copy, distribute, prepare derivative works and publicly display this SOFTWARE without charge, provided this Notice and any statment of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the Government nor the University makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of this SOFTWARE.


Download latexmake-0.16 (gzipped tar file, 54k)